About Us

The following are members of the Basinga Management Committee.

07970 868066
Colin Follett
Please send all articles for publication in the magazine to the editor.  Closing date is normally the 10th of the month for publication in the following month.  Submissions can be made online here, or send them to editor@basinga.org.uk
Sub Editor: Mr Lyn Caswell
01256 463908
Graham Merry
All enquiries, other than those related to the Editor and Advertising Manager, should be addressed to Graham at 
For all flyers, classified and contract ads please contact advertising@basinga.org.uk. Note: For Free Ads, Concession Ads and photopraphs/posters, submissions should be made via the Web Forms.
07918 644187
Andy Groves
Layout Advisor: All enquiries to editor@basinga.org.uk
Website Manager:
01256 329417
Alan Morris
All web related enquiries can be made to webtech@basinga.org.uk.. Note: Excludes all submissions which should be made via the Web Forms.
Distribution Managers:
Old Basing: Peter Watson
01256  352299
Lychpit: Andree McLean
01256 819006
Old Basing Parish Council: Peter Bloyce
St. Mary’s Parochial Parish Council: Ian Kershaw
Vicar St. Mary’s Church: Revd. Jo Mulliner