The Basinga magazine is published monthly and delivered free to 3200 households in the parish of Old Basing and Lychpit. There is a mixture of colour and black and white pages. Of the 44 pages that comprise the magazine, 22 of them are dedicated to contracted advertising.
The magazine provides several types of advertising, some of which are chargeable others are free.
Contract Advertising
Contracted adverts run for 12 issues from January to December and are available in 5 different sizes, ranging from 1/8 to a full page. We can support either Black and White or Full Colour advertisements.
The advertiser may change or refresh their advert any number of times during the contract period. For those advertisers who provide their own artwork, there will not normally be a charge.
An additional benefit of being a Contract Advertiser is that your advert will appear here on Basinga Extra at no extra charge.
Classified Advertising
The Basinga will accept requests for Classified Advertisements from any private individual or business. Details of the advert and payment must be agreed with the Advertising Manager by the 10th of the month prior to the month of publication
Please Note: Different rates apply to private and commercial adverts therefore the Advertising Manager will confirm the costs.
For Logos not in the public domain, the advertiser must own the copyright or be authorised to use any or all elements of the source material. The Basinga Management Committee or its representatives cannot be held responsible for any dispute that may arise over copyright.
Adverts are reproduced in the Basinga with standard fonts and formats. Please check here for examples.
Requests can be made directly to the Advertising Manager (by e-mail to or submitted electronically by completing the form here.
Inserts and Flyers
The Basinga often deliver Flyers or Inserts with the magazine. We can accommodate up to three inserts per month. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to provide 3250 copies of the flyer to the Advertising Manager by the 10th of the month, so that it can be included with the magazine that will be delivered by the first of the next month. The maximum size of an insert is A5, but it could be A4 folded to A5.
We often find that people on the waiting list use this form of advertising until a space becomes available in the magazine.
For more details please complete the form here.
Free Ads
The Basinga will only except requests for Free Ad insertion from Old Basing and Lychpit residents. Adverts from Commercial Businesses should use the Classified Advertisements section.
Adverts are reproduced in the Basinga to a standard format:
Adverts are accepted on the basis that they will appear in the magazine for one issue as soon as space is available. The advert will also appear on the website soon after receipt and remain for 8 weeks.
Contact if your items have been sold. They can be removed from the Magazine before the 10th deadline and also from the website.
Requests should be made directly by completing the form here.
All advertisements in the magazine and on this website are inserted in good faith. The Basinga Management Committee accepts no responsibility for any statement, omission or errors made by the advertisers; nor endorses the products or services offered.
The views and opinions expressed in the Basinga Magazine or this website are those of the organizations, individuals and authors concerned and are not necessarily those of the Basinga Committee.