Note: All entries marked (*) are mandatory. Only details specified in your advert will appear in the magazine, personal details will be retained for administration only.
- The costs shown are for customer providing artwork meeting the file specification detailed here on the Basinga Web Site.
- If the Basinga is able to assist in designing an advert the cost advised by the Advertising Manager is in addition to that shown for the advertising space.
- The Contract is for twelve months (Jan to Dec). Renewable around October each year, you will be contacted and will be given preference on renewal.
- Placement of Adverts in any particular position cannot be guaranteed other than the back page.
- All remittance must be received before adverts will appear in the Basinga.
- Your advert will appear in the January edition of the magazine unless you do not meet the deadline for submission of suitable artwork by the 14th November. No refund will be given for missing the deadline.
- All advertisements in the magazine are placed in good faith and the Basinga Management Committee accepts no responsibility for any statement, omissions of errors made by the advertiser or printer, nor do they endorse any product or service advertised.
- The Basinga Management Committee reserves the right to refuse advertisements which it deems unfit for publication and to withdraw those where full remittance has not been received.
- For logos, fonts and images of persons, not in the public domain, the advertiser must own the copyright or be authorised to use any or all of the elements of the source material, The Basinga Management Committee or its representatives cannot be held responsible for any dispute that may arise over copyright.
- Your advert will also appear in Our Contract Ads and Searchable Index on the Basinga Extra Web Site at no additional cost. You may submit an optional write up on your Company which will appear as part of the site entries together with a link to your web site, your e-mail address and facebook link.