Basinga Privacy Policy
(Issue 1. 15/05/2018)
This privacy policy applies to the Basinga Extra website and the Basinga Magazine, both run by the Basinga Management Committee. It describes the privacy afforded to its users’ data, be they advertisers, contributors, associated volunteers and those just browsing the website.
We operate on the lawful basis of Legitimate Interest for all services offered. The personal data recorded is the minimum required to administer and transact the purpose for which it is given.
Photographers will be asked to confirm they have copyright authorisation to publish and for consent from identifiable persons (see User Advice)
The Magazine and Website
Provides for the display of various advertising features requested by customers, news articles and information submitted by contributors and applications from volunteers.
Contributions are not accepted directly from persons under the age of 16 years (see User Advice).
Payment for advertising is by cheque or by the user submitting an electronic funds transfer, BACS or similar, via their bank. Other than standard accountancy entries no additional data is recorded.
Data Usage
The Data collected is used solely for administration records and communication with the user of the services and features requested and may be retained for re-contact and for the Basinga’s own analysis to better understand the use of its services.
Any data we may retain is not used for purposes such as marketing or disclosed to any third party, unless required by law for legal reasons.
Volunteers’ data is only held whilst they are associated with the Basinga but they can choose to opt-in for it to be retained for social purposes.
Data Storage and Access
Data is held on separate databases applicable to its purpose, namely Advertising, News Contributions and Volunteers – each is only accessible by the designated Data Controller and Deputy.
All computers holding data use system and file passwords and employ commercially available anti-virus and firewall applications.
Website Cookies
Our Cookies Policy can be found on our website.
In brief:
Our cookies are of a benevolent nature to make our website work more efficiently for individual users.
We do not use them for any marketing purposes or collect/record any user information.
From time to time we may log all users’ sequences of using of the various features for maintenance and to trace the cause of reported failures. This is to establish patterns of usage and does not monitor or identify individual users.
Whilst we ask you to accept our cookies this is not necessary to use the website.
Our Cookies Policy gives details of how you can delete and control them on your computer.
User Advice
General Disclaimer:
The views and opinions expressed in the Basinga Magazine, or its website, are those of the organisations, individuals and authors concerned, and are not necessarily those of the Basinga Management Committee.
All Advertisements are inserted in good faith and the Basinga Management Committee accepts no responsibility for any statement, omissions or errors made by the advertisers, nor endorses the products or services advertised.
For logos, fonts and images of persons, not in the public domain, the advertiser must own the copyright or be authorised to use any or all of the elements of the source material, The Basinga Management Committee or its representatives cannot be held responsible for any dispute that may arise over copyright.
Photo Contributors
For all photographs your wish to submit, you should be the copyright owner or be authorised to publish. Photographs obtained digitally or otherwise of another person’s images are not acceptable. On our submission forms you will be asked to confirm you are authorised to publish. The Basinga Management Committee or its representatives cannot be held responsible for any dispute that may arise over copyright (see also Photographs of People).
All information displayed on the website and magazine is the copyright of its Contributors and Advertisers and must not be used in any other publication without their express permission.
Photographs of People:
Under the GDPR Regulations, photographs of identifiable persons can be considered to potentially contain personal data of a sensitive nature, which if they were recognised, could impact on their lives, e.g. a disability or a religious persuasion, and without consent should not be published. Much discussion has taken place by photographers on pictures taken legally in a public place or at events which may be of legitimate interest for publication and the likelihood of getting consent from all the identifiable subjects is very unlikely. The Basinga is taking a pragmatic view on its acceptance of photographs, which is based on the level of risk; therefore we ask that photographers consider this risk when taking photos for publication and the need for possible consent from the subjects. The onus is with the photographer and the Basinga will not publish if it believes a photograph should be covered by the consent of the subjects.
Notes: Consent to publish may be verbal from the subjects but it is recommended that the photographer records the names and date (Ref: ICO).
The Basinga’s Suggested Guidelines:
Subjects Clearly identifiable – High Risk:
Staged, or apparently staged, photographs which shows an individual or group of people assembled for the purpose of the photograph being taken, or is of an opportunist nature where the subjects are the prominent feature and as such you could have gained consent.
For these we will ask you to confirm you are the copyright holder and have the consent of the subject(s) to publish. If any persons are under the age of 16 years, parental consent must be obtained.
Note: If the subject is e.g. a local MP or Mayor, they have an expectation of photos being published of them whilst carrying out their duties and consent would not be required but it does not preclude asking if able (Ref ICO)
Scenic Shots, Subjects Not Clearly Identifiable – Lower risk:
Photographic opportunities, such as passing Carnival floats, general event or street views with no prominent subjects.
For these you must confirm you are the copyright holder or have the authorisation to publish.
Ref: ICO = Information Commissioner’s Office.>
Persons Under the Age of 16 years:
The Basinga does not accept contributions from persons under 16 years of age. Contributors submitting features on their behalf, or about minors, should be careful about including personal information.
Your use of Your Personal Information:
When you include in your contributions, elements of the data we hold, please remember that it could be used by a third party to deduce unpublished elements of the data. The Basinga Management Committee cannot be held responsible should this occur.
External Website Links:
The Basinga website may contain, and the magazine may show, links to external websites. The Basinga Management Committee does not control the content of these sites and cannot be held liable for their content or any other matters that may arise; therefore accessing sites via these links is at the user’s discretion.
The Internet:
The transmission of information over the internet is inherently insecure, and we cannot guarantee the security of data sent over the internet.
Contact Details
If you have any questions in general, or about this Privacy Policy, or wish for your information to be deleted from our records, please contact us at:
The Secretary
40 Linden Avenue
Old Basing
RG24 7HS