Annual Music Festival

Decision – Granted

The council has granted permission for the event to to proceed, see document for full details.


Music Festival in Old Basing

An application for licensing for an annual 3-day summer music festival at “Fields adjacent to Riley Lane / Newnham Lane / Wildwood Farm” in Old Basing has been made to Basingstoke and Dean Council.  The deadline for sending representations (either for or against) is 5th October 2023.  Details of the proposed event are:

Applicant(s) ATL Hospitality and Events
Address of Premises Fields adjacent to Riley Lane/Newnham Lane/Wildwood Farm, Old Basing, Basingstoke, RG24 7AT
Proposed licensable activities
Live and Recorded music Friday to Sunday 1200h to 2230h
Supply of alcohol Friday to Sunday 1200h to 2230h
Opening hours 3 day annual weekend summer event
Activities take place:    Outdoors (up to 15,000 attendees)


The Parish Council is aware of the application and will be discussing its formal response at the Full Parish Council meeting on 3rd October 2023.

If you would like to submit a representation to the Council about this application details on how to do so and what needs to be covered are show in the document

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