There were 50 members and one visitor at the meeting held on 1st February when the Chairman, David Cowling, welcomed everyone, gave apologies, and wished Happy Birthday to those with birthdays this month. He then gave an update about the forthcoming trips and reminded us that the AGM would be held at the next meeting followed by lunch at the Conservative Club. The Welfare Officer, Christine Broadbent, then gave an update on various members who had been unwell and gave the sad news that Gordon Haywood had died.
And Another Thing …
The speaker this month was Mel Rees who gave a humorous talk titled “…..and another thing I meant to say…..” This lighthearted talk was about life in the Rees household over the years starting with when he lived at home with his parents as an only child to more recent incidents including stories about his current dog Chris, formally known as Crystal, which he found at the Battersea Dogs Home in Windsor. He then went on to talk about his mother (now sadly deceased) and about the arrangements he and his wife had made for her prior to going on holiday and the difficulties encountered in doing this. The holiday itself was another humorous story which as you can imagine didn’t quite go to plan. Mel had also brought along some copies of his books which were available to buy.
Next Group Outing
The next group outing is to the Houses of Parliament on Monday 20th March with the coach leaving Oakley at 7.15 and the Leisure Centre at 7.30. The price of the trip is £28 and £30 for non-members. On Thursday 27th April there is Afternoon Tea at BCOT which includes sandwiches, cakes and of course tea all for £11.
Next Meetings
The next meeting will be on 1st March which will include the AGM and a talk by Able Care followed by lunch at the Conservative Club. At the April meeting on the 5th of the month the talk will be given by Jackie Dimmock titled “30 years in Hampshire Constabulary”.
The group meets on the first Wednesday of each month at Brookvale Village Hall from 10am to 12 noon and all retired Civil Servants, their relatives and friends are welcome. Further details about the group and information about our trips can be obtained by contacting –
— Margaret Atkinson