Basingstoke Deane Rotary – Mar 2023


Helen Ricketts: –
Paul Temple:-



Disability Awareness Day

Friday 28th April 2023.
Disability Awareness Day, located The Malls, Basingstoke Town Centre

Basingstoke and District Disability Forum (BDDF) is a local charity Basingstoke Deane Rotary are happy to support and showcase what BDDF are doing to help disabled people, their families and carers in the locality. At their Awareness Day there will be information about support groups, activities and services available locally that are supporting a range of disabilities for both children and adults.

BDDF are also looking for volunteers so please get in touch if you can help please email or call 01256 423869.

Love Volunteering

Become a Friend of Rotary

Have fun volunteering with us and help our local community.

One of the things Rotarians rarely admit to is the selfish side of volunteering. After events we always come away feeling that we have made a difference. It’s a very uplifting feeling. If you haven’t experienced that feeling, then come and volunteer with us at any of our events. There’ll be a welcome for you.

Rotary FlyerTo be one of the team of almost 100 that help at the Festival of Transport – just for a couple of hours, half a day or all day – get in touch with Paul Temple – see contact info.

the pink place logoThe Pink Place cancer charity supports adults, women (and Men – Blue Space) from initial diagnosis, through treatment and beyond, with weekly Well-being group meetings, Social activities, Professional Counselling, Hairdressing, Complementary Therapies, Mindfulness, Group support, Partner support, online Zoom sessions, Support line. Look for them on Facebook or or Tel: 07899 970841

Basingstoke Deane Rotary is a group of 35 men & women from a wide variety of backgrounds. All live locally in the borough but some commute to work outside Basingstoke. Most joined Rotary to help others less fortunate, and they find Basingstoke Deane Rotary adds another extremely enjoyable dimension to their lives.

If you would like to find out more about how we enjoy ourselves, just tune in to to see what we have coming up, or contact Helen or Paul above to find out more . We think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

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