Odiham Cottage Hospital Befriending Service

Odiham Cottage Hospital Logo

Registered Charity No. 1068721

New Volunteering Opportunity for 2022

Odiham Cottage Hospital’s Befriending Service is a volunteer led service run and managed by the Hospital and covers the areas of Odiham, Hook, Hartley Wintney and Old Basing and surrounding villages. Our clients are those who have become lonely and isolated due to living with a long-term health condition, or are receiving palliative care.

The service recruits, trains and supports volunteers who on a weekly basis visit people in their homes, as well as provide befriending via the telephone. All clients are referred to the service through their GP practice, community health team or another medical professional.

We are currently recruiting new volunteers to be Befrienders for the service. For just 2 hours a week, you can make a real difference in someone’s life within your local community.

For more information or an application pack, please contact:-

Una Tilt – Befriending Manager on 01256 393609
or via email at: befriending@odihamcottagehospital.org.uk

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