Old Basing u3a
Website: www.basingstokeu3a.org
facebook: facebook.com/Basingstokeu3a
Our cyclists enjoyed a tour of the Cotswolds, using cycle routes, lanes and tracks. In three days, they sped from Oxford to Stratford upon Avon, to Gloucester and then back to Oxford.
Our new sports groups are being well supported by members in Walking Football, Walking Netball, and Rounders. Croquet, Walking, Walking with Your Camera groups are all meeting normally, and Gardening members are visiting each other’s gardens over the summer, in groups of six.
With the relaxing of lockdown rules, Badminton, Table Tennis, Line Dancing and our Strings & Things Music groups have all restarted.
Zoom Technology has enabled members to still enjoy quizzes, family history, learning a language, creative writing, philosophy, arts and crafts, and playing bridge – to name but a few. We’ve joined up in organised excursions together, including a very popular trip for fish and chips on the south coast!
Our Bridge players plan to return to playing face to face at the start of October, with a new course for beginners starting up.
Picnics in the Park – Members from all the different activities usually come together once a month to listen to a speaker and have a cuppa. We’ve had to manage on Zoom over the last year, but, weather permitting, we’re planning two ‘picnics in the park’ for August, one in Popley Fields 3 August and in Stratton Park 10 August, both 2.30 – 4pm. Do come and say hallo if you see us there.
Plans are in hand for a Meet and Greet Day on September 8th 2-4pm. It will be held in Queen Mary’s Hall at QMC. Do come and meet some of us in person. There will be plenty of members around to ask about all the exercise, fun and learning available to you.
We keep in touch with all our members regularly, including those who aren’t on-line. We’d love to meet you so please add the Meet and Greet Day in your diary!
email: basingstokeu3aenquiries@gmail.com
phone: 07787 520 281