Old Basing u3a – June 2022

Old Basing u3a Logo

Website: www.basingstokeu3a.org

facebook: facebook.com/Basingstokeu3a


And Sometimes in France!

Cycling in FranceLonger days are here and our outdoor groups are all coming fully to life. Croquet, walking football and rounders have restarted for example, joining our walkers and cyclists who’ve been meeting throughout the winter. A band of our cyclists thoroughly enjoyed exploring byways in France recently, whilst walkers have loved the scents and colours of the bluebell woods around Medstead and its old church.

Retirement beckoning? Fifty Things to Do for Just £25

Table TennisMany of us are meeting indoors – though still as safely as possible for our more cautious members. As always, together we are dancing and singing towards the summer, playing games or doing quizzes. Some are knitting or sewing; others are enjoying netball, badminton and table tennis. Those who love a good debate are sharing ideas within science, technology or philosophy groups.
And quite a few of us are trying several of these things at once. At no cost beyond their membership fee!


Jubilee Celebration in Stratton Park June 8th

Until September, the membership fee is just £25 so it really is a good time to give membership a try. Come and meet us in Stratton Park on June 8th (from 2.30pm) where older members are sharing their coronation memorabilia.

email: basingstokeu3aenquiries@gmail.com

phone: 07787 520 281

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