Probus Welcomes New Members – Aug 2021


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Probus Welcomes New Members

With significant reductions in the guidance and regulations all have endured during the Covid-19 epidemic, thanks greatly to the double jab vaccine programme, the Probus Club of Basingstoke is planning getting back to normal.

Richard Wood President Probus

Richard Wood President Probus

Richard Wood, a retired Chartered Engineer, who has been president for the last two years, similar in the way local councillors and the mayor continued in office, is keen to see this progression.  “I suppose that whatever getting back to normal means will be interpreted differently dependent on what section of society you are in. As far as the Probus Club of Basingstoke is concerned we are really looking forward to resuming all the social contacts we enjoyed prior to March 23rd 2020 when lockdown was announced.”

Richard continued, “It has been our policy that during this time we kept regularly in touch with our members with phone calls to everyone on a rota basis, minutes of our monthly executive committee meetings circulated to all members, Zoom quizzes and talks by external speakers as well as the continued posting of news on our web site. The support by local magazines in publishing some of these things is really appreciated as it has been important to maintain the impression that unlike some organisations, that the Probus Club was not in a state of hibernation. It was not only alive but was still kicking.”

What is being anticipated is the return to monthly lunch meetings complete with guest speakers, social pub lunches with spouses, organised visits to interesting places and twice a year, more celebratory occasions.

Over the last eighteen months there have been many men, having reached retirement age, that have been socially deprived of male companionship due to the lockdown rules. Some will now want to get out and about again and the Probus Club will be happy if they decide to join this social organisation that has continued unabated in Basingstoke for forty-two years.

It has been said that their members were once the movers and shakers in Basingstoke’s business community. Coming from a wide variety of professions, business managers and some military veterans, it is this mixture of life’s experiences that create such fellowship and lifelong friendships.

For an informal chat contact Secretary Stephen Thair on 01256 352909 or see the Contact Us page on the Probus web site

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