If you have some observations or notes or photographs that you think could be included in the magazine or would look good on our website, then you can use the form below to send them to us.
Note: This form will allow you to submit written notes either by entering them directly into the supplied panel or by creating a text file and attaching it. You may also send up to three photographs, each of which can be up to 7mb. Alternatively you may submit the notes by directly emailing them to naturenotes@basinga.org.uk but you must include the mandatory details shown below and include a statement that you own the copyright or have authorisation to publish and if appropriate the consent of the identifiable person/s in a photo. None of your personal information will be published unless you indicate that you agree for your name, and only your name, to be used.
For information on copyright and photographs requiring consent, photographers should read the guidance in the Users Advice section in our Privacy Policy.