We maintain a list of Old Basing and Lychpit websites for local organisations or groups and local businesses together with some wider area links show separately. Send a link for your website to webtech@basinga.org.uk for it to be added to the list below.
Local Links
Basing Singers. An amateur mixed adult choir based in the village of Old Basing near Basingstoke performing a wide variety of music. | basingsingers.org.uk |
Basing Tutors | www.basingtutors.com |
Basingstoke Moves (Biggles) | basingstokemoves.com |
Friends of St Mary’s Church, Old Basing | https://friendsofstmaryschurcholdbasing.org/ |
Funeral Cost Help. Assist those who have recently lost a loved one and are unable to find accurate information about funeral costs. | www.funeralcostshelp.co.uk |
Ideal Imaging | www.idealimaging.uk.com |
Neighbourhood Watch | www.bdnw.org.uk |
OBAGS Old Basing Allotment & Garden Society | www.obags.uk |
Old Basing Infant School | http://www.oldbasinginfants.co.uk |
Old Basing Methodist Church | https://www.basingstokereadingmethodists.uk/index.php/churches/old-basing |
Old Basing and Lychpit Village Show | www.oblvs.org.uk |
Old Basing Parish Council | www.oldbasing.gov.uk |
Old Basing Scout Group | www.oldbasingscoutgroup.wordpress.com |
(The) Old Basing Trail | www.hants.gov.uk/rh/walking/basing-trail.pdf |
Old Basing Village Hall | https://oldbasingvillagehall.co.uk/ |
Royal British Legion – Old Basing Branch | https://branches.britishlegion.org.uk/branches/Old-basing |
St Mary’s Church | www.stmarysoldbasing.org.uk |
St Mary’s Junior School | www.st-marys-jun.hants.sch.uk |
Other Links
Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council | www.basingstoke.gov.uk |
Basingstoke Voluntary Action | www.bvaction.org.uk |
Basingstoke Gazette | https://www.basingstokegazette.co.uk/ |
Basingstoke & District Disability Forum | https://www.bddf.org.uk |
Basingstoke & District Dog Training Club. Provision of companion dog training classes. The aim is to ensure that you have the tools and techniques, so that your dog is a joy to be with, both in and out of the home. | www.basingstokedogtraining.co.uk |
Basingstoke Symphony Orchestra. A local amateur orchestra, formed in 1930 currently with around 50 members. Formed for the enjoyment of making music through rehearsals and concerts performing three concerts per year at The Anvil in Basingstoke. | https://www.bso.org.uk |
Odiham Cottage Hospital | https://odihamcottagehospital-org-uk.stackstaging.com/ |