Happy and Healthy Together as Spring Takes Hold
Our Members Emerge Cheerfully from Winter and Lockdown
We’ve all had a difficult two years, and keeping ourselves cheerful, and out and about, hasn’t been easy for everyone. But the days are lengthening, the temperature’s rising, and our outdoor groups are flexing their muscles and getting ready to enjoy 2022. So if the pandemic has left you feeling low, or you’re rather wishing you hadn’t visited the biscuit tin quite so often, read on!
Some of our more energetic members cycle and are already planning tours abroad and home – as well as their usual weekly rides together. Our walkers haven’t stopped in winter either and have been enjoying our countryside every week. However, if a shorter walk is more your ‘cup of tea’, the ‘Walking with Your Camera Group’ might be for you – they’re busy planning their programme for 2022 as well.
Preferring to walk won’t stop you playing football, rounders, and netball with us; these groups all play at walking pace and members move at the speed which suits them best. If you want to play another kind of ball game, croquet will be starting again at the end of March, or you could try skittles – which has the advantage of being indoors! As is our Folk and Line Dancing.
Not Feeling Quite so Energetic yet?
Sometimes a good chat with someone in the same boat can cheer you up, and we have groups to help with that too. We have a group called MOTO for members who live on their own, which some have found hard in lockdown. Some members lunch together as part of our ‘BCOT Luncheon Group’, and our ‘Ladies Who Lunch’ meet together in someone’s home, with the host responsible only for the main course. We did have a men’s group which did the same. We could start one up again if enough people were interested. Just let us know.
And as always, for just one annual membership fee, you can join as many groups as you can fit into your week.
phone: 07787 520 281